Lay Organization


The Lay Organization knows the foundation of Bethel A.M. E. Church was built on not only the chief cornerstone Jesus Christ, but by the people within the community, You and your loved ones. We have been assigned by the Pastor Schaeffer to collect, preserve, organize and maintain Bethel’s history. It was discovered that historical documents of Bethel did not perish in the fire. Bethel’s history project is an ongoing project our goal is to allow future members to know the church’s historical foundation and the stalwarts that made it happen realizing everyone had a stake in the making of Bethel A.M.E. Church’s development. We need You the community to help us with the history of Bethel. We the Lay organization are calling on all members, delegates, current and former officers, to gather any documents listed below. All documents will be copied and returned unless otherwise directed.

List of documents below is not a complete or exhaustive listing:

· Meeting Notes

· Men’s / Women’s Day programs

· Missionary Teas

· Holiday program

· Photos- people, church, events

· Pastor Appreciation

· Anniversary

· Revivals

· Church Conferences

· Letters concerning Bethel business

· Church officer’s notes

· Children’s programs

· Sunday School

· Auxiliary events, photos

In advance please accept our sincere gratitude for sharing your items with us. Questions contact Karen Bentley 513-932-7919. Or email me

Thank you,

Karen Bentley

V.P. Lay Organization

The objectives and purpose of the Lay Organization are outlined in its Constitution. The main objectives are stated in brief as follows:

  1. To create a love and appreciation of the History and Principles of African Methodism.

  2. Keep the memory of Richard Allen alive.

  3. Respect Constituted Authority.

  4. Stimulate and Educate the Laity in the Total Program of the Church.

  5. Study the Discipline and learn the laws of the Church.

  6. Encourage Financial Support of the Church’s Program.

  7. Teach and Practice Stewardship and work with the Youth to teach them Methodism.

  8. These objectives can best be met when one works to understand the program of the church and relate the church to the World around us. Become involved in Social Action such that the church is then our Community – our Job – Our School, and everywhere that many assembles he carries the church with him.